Online Booking Made Easy

Effortlessly create events and let your users book appointments with our seamless scheduling system.

Features You Will Love

Google Calendar

Connect your Google Calendar to your Samway event.

Customizable Designs

Fully customize how your booking widget will look on your pages.


Sync all your leads to autoresponders, webhooks or Zapier.

Color Coding

Easily manage and maintain your calendar with color coding for your operators.

CRM Syncing

All appointments and contacts sync with your Samway CRM.

Membership Locking

Control whether the events on your calendar are only accessible to certain website members.

Appointment Buffer

Set a buffer between your meetings to avoid back-to-back scheduled appointments.

Online Payments

Accept secure online payments when customers book your services.

Create Your Event

Set up your bookable event in less than a minute.

Select Your Operators

You can allow your users to choose between multiple providers when booking different services.

Display Your Services

Let clients book 1-on-1 appointments, intro calls, classes, workshops and more.

Group Events

Create events that allow multiple people to join, such as classes or benefits.

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